Monday, June 22, 2009

Strawberry Pie

Fresh Strawberry Pie!

Sunday was Father's Day. I had some delicious fresh strawberries and wondered what I could do with them. Sometimes, I have to admit, I just freeze them because they seem to go bad with lighting speed. If you're not planning on eating them immediately, probably don't even think about bringing them home.

So the planets aligned! I actually had two packages of cream cheese, some whipping cream and a box of that red pudding glaze stuff I can't remember the name. Oh yeah, Junkett! Plus some graham crackers. Bryce helped me and we had such a fun time in the kitchen. He loves to cook.

Here are some pictures of the pie and Bryce enjoying the first bite. He thought for sure he qualified because of the red gym shorts and white t-shirt which repeated the design of the pie.

Fresh Strawberry Pie

1 package of Graham Crackers
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup sugar
Process in food processor and pat into a pie tin.

Bake in a 400 degree oven 6 mins. Let cool.

Meanwhile...soften an 8 oz. package of cream cheese
1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 - 3/4 cup whipping cream
Mix together until creamy smooth

Prepare one package of Junket Strawberry Pie glaze
according to directions and let cool.

Hull a bunch of strawberries and cut into pieces.

I'm always in a hurry so I bake my pie crust and put it in the freezer to cool.
Spread the cream cheese mixture on the bottom of the crust and up
the sides. Place the strawberries on top of that and cover with the
pie glaze. Let it set for at least 45 seconds before you cut your
"test piece". (You don't want to be serving sub standard desserts
to your family and friends, now do you?)

Most important! Beat at least one cup of whipping cream
with 1/4 + cup of sugar and 1 tsp real actual vanilla to
use as a topping. None of that cool whip fake stuff. If
you're going to be putting yourself on the rails of
"the weight gain express", let's not be skimping.

OK that's it! Have fun!!


  1. Thanks for posting the recipe for the pie. I would have to say that it was AMAZING!

  2. Looks delicious. If the planets align in my world I will have to try it. Good to hear from you!
